
Criteria for Adenoidectomy.


Adenoids are lymphatic tissue that reside in the post nasal space and arise from the roof of the nasopharynx. Adenoids are only usually present in children and tend to grow from birth, reaching the largest size when a child is between 3 and 5 years of age, before slowly shrinking away by adulthood.


In the commissioning policy children are defined as <18yr old.


Criteria for commissioning


  1. In children with glue ear AND one or more of the following:
    • Persistent and/or frequent nasal obstruction which is contributed to by adenoidal hypertrophy
    • Undergoing surgery for re-insertion of grommets due to recurrence of previously surgically treated OME 
    • Undergoing grommet surgery for treatment of recurrent AOM 


  1. In children with other conditions:


  1. In children and adultswith other conditions:
    • Persistent nasal obstruction with adenoidal hypertrophy 
    • For biopsy purposes when cancer is suspected; where the adenoids are asymmetrical and/or suspicious lesions are present 
    • In preparation for speech surgery in conjunction with cleft surgery team





OME = Otitis media with effusion

AOM = Acute otitis media

CRS = Chronic rhino sinusitis




Commissioning policies 2021-22



Review Date                           October 2021

Next Review Date                   October 2022

GP Sifter                                 Dr Laura Vines