
Bladder and Bowel Problems

Health Visitors and School Nurses


Children who have constipation, soiling, bedwetting and/or toilet training problems where there are no red flags can be referred to:

  • Health Visitors - Under school age
  • School Nurses - School age until 16 years


Parents or professionals can refer via the Early Help Hub

Or you can contact them using the Health Visitor and School Nurse Advice Line 01872 322779 or email hvsnadvice@cornwall.gov.uk.     


They will assess and offer treatment (as per NICE guidance). They will refer to the Bladder and Bowel Specialist Service where treatment has failed.

Please note: enuresis alarms are currently not provided on the NHS and are self-purchase until further notice

Bladder and Bowel Specialist Service

GPs can directly refer to the Bladder and Bowel specialist Service for cases that don’t meet referral guidance for Health Visitors of School Nurses

Refer to Paediatrics if red flags are present 



Date                              May 2021

Review Date                 May 2022

Author                           Dr S Burns GP

Contributors                  Sharon Eustice, Nurse Consultant, Bladder and Bowel Specialist Service

Version No.  1.3