
Home Oxygen Service


Home Oxygen

Oxygen is a treatment for hypoaxemia, not a treatment for breathlessness. Home oxygen should not be prescribed without documented hypoxaemia*.  Assessment by the community respiratory specialist nurses is required. Please refer via cpn-tr.midrespiratoryteam@nhs.net

Patients with cardio-respiratory disease with a resting oxygen saturation of <92% should be referred for an oxygen assessment. Please refer to the community respiratory specialist nurses.

Patients with cancer but not at end of life with a resting oxygen saturation of <92% should be referred for an oxygen assessment. Please refer to the community respiratory specialist nurses.

Patients who are end of life with cancer or end-stage cardiorespiratory disease should only receive oxygen if their resting oxygen saturation is <92%. Please order oxygen for End of Life Care via Air Liquide



However, patients with cancer or end-stage cardiorespiratory disease with intractable breathlessness who are not hypoxaemic should receive assessment for a trial of opiates or non-pharmacological therapies such as a hand-held fan.


*Patients with cluster headaches may benefit from short burst oxygen therapy. Please see Neurology guidance on cluster headaches.


Dr Meme Wijesinghe

Consultant Respiratory Physician, RCHT


Belinda Thompson

Respiratory Specialist Nurse Team Lead


September 2021